From the Gateway Arch ($17 Million)

August 8, 2023

You probably know we get really excited to share what God is doing at Both Hands! Our founder, JT, loves going to great heights (literally) to spread the good news. After trying things like scaling a radio tower or getting me to jump out of a plane, our team was a bit nervous about what he’d try next.

Watch this video to see his impossible mission to share our next big milestone of reaching $17 million raised for adoption and orphan care!

That’s right! Both Hands just passed $17 million raised for adoption and orphan care! Praise God!!

Our donors are so vital to our mission, especially those who commit to a monthly or quarterly gift. These recurring donors allow us to better plan for the future as we expand to serve more orphans, widows, and adoptive families.

We call these special people our “Agents for Impact.” Here’s a mid-year review of what we’ve accomplished so far thanks to your help:

  • 53 projects completed across 22 states!
  • 47 children being adopted!
  • 87 widows served!
  • 115 families approved to do a project this year!
  • $938,706 raised for adoptions & orphan care!
  • Held our largest project in BH history with 250+ volunteers!

If you haven’t already, would you consider joining us today to become an Agent for Impact and serve even more widows and orphans with us?

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