Serve a Widow. Fund an Adoption.

Your Group Can Serve Together

How A Group Project Works

A Both Hands Project is a group of volunteers serving a widow in their community with home improvements while raising funds for orphan causes.

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Gather a team and work with Both Hands' staff to find a widow in need in your community.

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Schedule a day to serve and make a list of tasks for your team to complete.

BothHands - Icon - Mission

Both Hands will set up a donation page for your team to raise sponsorship with the funds raised supporting adoptions and orphan causes!

What Groups Should Volunteer Together?

  • A church group that wants to make a Kingdom impact
  • A business or college group looking for a chance to give back while building community
  • An orphan or foster care nonprofit raising funds for their mission
  • Anyone who wants to help widows in need and support orphan causes
Video player link, over a still image of a group painting project.
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Is your team ready?

We'd love to start the conversation with you about starting your own Both Hands group project.
Click below to fill out a short application!