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Hope + Vine Project 2023

May 20, 2023 | Wake Forest, NC

Hope + Vine offers employment and mentoring for young women who have aged out of foster care. Through authentic relationships, they receive job-skill training, connection to mental health services, financial coaching, and housing support.

Program Costs photo

Program Costs

| United States

The funds raised will be used to cover the programming cost for Hope + Vine participants. This includes mental health services, financial coaching, and transportation.

Amy photo


Widow | North Carolina

Amy’s husband died suddenly about 2.5 years ago, leaving her with two small children. Her home is in need of several things, such as landscaping, minor repairs, and painting.

A Different Kind of Fundraiser

A team of volunteers is completing a service project of fixing up a widow's home. We are raising sponsorship for our day of service. The funds raised will help young women who have aged out of foster care. Will you sponsor us?

$0 Raised of $15,000 goal

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100% of donations received goes to the cause

Both Hands doesn’t take any administrative fees from donations to projects.


Your donation is tax deductible

Both Hands is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit so you can give with confidence.


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Both Hands Foundation is an approved 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Please note that in following IRS guidelines, your donation is to the non-profit organization Both Hands Foundation. Both Hands governing board retains full discretion over the donation's use, but intend to honor the donor's suggestion. Both Hands is a member of the Evangelic Council for Financial Accountability.


No Administration Fees

We don’t take a penny out of the funds raised for adoption or orphan care for ourselves.

We are committed to doing everything we can to help our Both Hands families afford adoption. That’s why we don't take out any administrative fees from donations to our projects.

We raise funds for our operations separately through support from donors like you. By supporting Both Hands, you help us serve more adoptive families, bless more widows, and bring even more children into their forever families.