The 2022 Vision Project

May 10, 2022

Both Hands helps adoptive families and volunteer groups organize service projects for widows while raising funds for adoptions and orphan causes. On May 7, 2022, we celebrated 15 years of Both Hands projects with our Ty² Vision Project. Our team of 175 volunteers served 10 widows across Franklin, TN to raise funds to continue the mission of Both Hands!

Out of the $14.9 million raised for adoptions and orphan causes, Both Hands hasn’t taken out a penny for our operations. That’s made possible because of this annual Vision Project. Support our project today at

May is National Foster Care Awareness Month, so we were honored to have Tennessee First Lady Maria Lee join us in shining a light on adoption and children in foster care. Want to get involved? Both Hands can guide you through gathering a team to serve a widow and raise funds for foster care ministries. You can learn more at

If you’d like to support Both Hands, visit to give!

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