The Manager’s Report

December 24, 2020

I was ready to give the best Manger report you’ve ever heard for this Christmas season, with a full nativity scene and everything!

But apparently, it was important that I talk about something else instead…

This Christmas, I’m filled with a Holy conviction to DO something! Christ came not just to save us, but to give us an example of a life lived with God’s purposes at the center. That’s the kind of life we hope to live, because if not us, then who?

I hope you’re able to tune in to God’s calling on your heart, that you feel God’s love for you, and let it guide you to make a Kingdom impact in our world.

Thank you for being a part of this ministry. If you’d like to support Both Hands to help us serve more families, widows, and orphans, I would be thankful. No matter what, I pray you have a joy-filled Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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